
Ruth B. Toporoff, RA

12 Alice Road
Bedford Corners, NY 10549

New York University, M.A. in Real Estate Finance, 1995
Architect license by New York State, 1987
Pratt Institute, B.A. in Architecture, 1983

Career highlights:
Santop Construction Company, President and Founder, 1987 -2010
• Founded construction management business for complex subway projects
• Pioneered WBE in construction industry at a time of limited involvement by women
• Negotiated successful bids to MTA against 20+ competitors per project
• Transformed subway stations into handicap-accessible sites to meet ADA requirements
• Registered as U.S. Department of Defense Central Contractor
• Advocated for subcontractors under umbrella bids to MTA, LIRR, SEPTA (Philadelphia)
• Worked on various school projects for SCA (School Construction Authority)
• General contractor for subway extensions, infrastructure for $50-$500 million projects

Toporoff Technical Services, Inc., President and Founder, 1985-2008
• Conducted architectural design estimates to prevent cost overruns
• Analyzed preliminary, design and construction phases for construction projects

Corps of Engineers, 1983
• Draftsman

Other Positions and Achievements:
U.S.D.F. (United States Dressage Federation), member, rider in regional competitions

Bedford Village Elementary School — Created an organic teaching garden for student use
The Masters School — Initiated weather station and developed robotics program
The Windard School — Supported multiple programs to benefit dyslexic children
Blythsdale Childrens Hospital — Donated and worked with the children
My Sisters Place — Involved and supported cause

Participant and volunteer for:
Gimme Shelter Animal Rescue
13 Hands Horse Rescue
Endeavor Therapeutic Riding

Bass and drums player, classic rock/grunge band
Wife and mother to Michael J. Richman, Esq.,
Logan (age 18, daughter), and Hayden and Connor (age 12, twin sons)